No doubt Allari Naresh has set his pinch of style in a big way and fetching accolades just like Veteran Rajendra prasad. But a set of senior directors posed speed breakers to his otherwise smooth journey.
Check out how his latest flick “Saradaga Kaasepu” by Vamsi went on…
Plot: Srinivas (Srinivas Avasarala), A USA return goes to Hyderabad along with his driver RangaBabu (Allari Naresh) to see his bride Manimaala (Madhurima). Things go wrong and the identities are swapped….And rest is all as predicted…!!
Allari Naresh has done his best…His comedy timing in dialogues is exceptional…But he should see to it that his entire product is rich enough to drag the audience to theatres….otherwise he might remain as DVD hero in the long run.
Madhurima is cute and good on-screen. And Vamsi’s heroine is always special and she fitted the bill. She just needs to get good ones in future.
Srinivas Avasarala of AstaChemma is just adequate and never looked as active as in his debut.
Among comedy batch…Ahuti Prasad scores big in role of strict man who imposes punishments for petty mistakes. MS Narayana and his PA Krishna bhaghwan’s thread reminds you of “Tantri-the Mantri” of Tinkle series where later tries to kill him but end up saving him.
Kaasepu Sarada…Kondantha Duradha…
First half goes smoothly with no much complaints….You start recollecting Vamsi’s Godavari in the first song…And the introduction of all the characters go quick and by the interval…you know all and happy.
Things become much as expected and comedy does not appeal to you anymore. Things get diverted and Vamsi’s “chaadastam” gets on to your heads and you start looking towards your watch rather watching the screen….
Reasons for Duradha…
Chakri’s songs seem very routine….Except for the first and last…Others don’t enthuse you. Director Vamsi himself sang few songs and his vocal’s are irritating at times especially when he render’s “Nijama” …”Avuna”. Toting up are cheap locations and the fun of watching the Vamsi brand songs is missing.
Don’t know why Heroine turns around with long hair as in shampoo Ad each time…and blinks her eyes so much just to show dark blue shade on her eye-lids.Spare Vamsi...for that is his age-old style
Introduction of a secondary love track…wastage of screen space, misplacing the songs tests your patience in long way.
Somethings of Sarada…
Dialogues are very witty at times and are sure to bring you some cheers…And Allari Naresh rendering the Simha Parody “Choodu oka vaipey choodu” etc are sure to make some merry…
Madhurima is one more reason to look at.
Comedy of errors is good for a while and all the good actors have done their best.
Final say….
Overall movie has a thin story line and at the end something to say ….though everything is predictable.
Only watch if you are really itchy for time pass and are contented with few laughs.
Better production values and a well directed second half would have helped Allari Naresh to score a hit.
After SundarakaanDa (Baapu) and Subapradham (K. Viswanath) and now Saradaga Kaasepu by Vamsi, I felt it’s a third time that senior directors and the Letter ‘S’ that did not allow Naresh to hit the Bulls eye.
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