Listening to lovely music lessens your day-to-day stress. And our ears always yearn for fresh and good music from time to time…
So here’s something very special for your iPods’ …Check out 6 nice tunes I am listening to these days….
Album: Yamudu
నా హృదయం యెరుగదు ఇదివరకు... ఈ ప్రియ సరిగమలే...
నా మనసుకు తెలియదు ఇదివరకు... ఈ కసి గుసగుసలే...
(naa hRdayam yerugadu idivaraku.. ee priya sarigamalE...
naa manasuku teliyadu idivaraku.. ee kasi gusagusalE...)
Let me start with lovely Song from Devi Sri Prasad. This energetic number is sung by Suchitra and Sagar. Suchitra’s voice offers freshness…Yamudu has “Gahazini” Surya and our own “ Bommali” Anushka in lead!!Yamudu is remake of Tamil blockbuster “Singam”
Album : Subapradham
మౌనమే చెబుతూంది...నీ మౌనమే చెబుతూంది...ఏ మాట నీ మాటున దాగుందొ!
చూపు చెబుతూంది..నీ చూపు చెబుతూంది...యద చాటునున్న ఆశ ఏమందో!!
(mounamE chebutoondi...nee mounamE chebutoondi...E maaTa nee maaTuna daagundo!
choopu chebutoondi..nee choopu chebutoondi...yada chaaTununna aaSa EmandO!!)
This wonderful melody is from the movie Subapradam directed by Kalatapasvi Viswanath garu. Songs have special place in his movies…whether it be for his sensible picturisation or lyrical content or mellifluous tunes . This time Manisharma got the opportunity to score the music. This song is sung by SP Balasubramanyam and Pranavi. All the songs in the movie are lyrically rich. I remember a song “Mounamelanoi..ee marapu raani reyi…” while writing about this number.
Album : Em Pillo ..Em Pillado
ఆందం గీసిన బొమ్మలా..నువ్వే నా నలువైపులా..నిన్నే చూస్తూ నేనిలా అయిపొయానొ బొమ్మలా!!
పగలు రేయి నీ రూపే నా కనుపాపలా..జగమే మరిచి కదిలా నే నీ నీడలా!!
(Andam geesina bommalaa..nuvvE naa naluvaipulaa..ninnE choostoo nEnilaa ayipoyaano bommalaa!!....
pagalu rEyi nee roopE naaa kanupaapalaa..jagamE marichi kadilaa nE nee neeDalaa!!)
Then comes the Romantic number with medium pace…scored by Manisharma. Lyrics by RamaJogayya Sastri are simple but superb…And so is the voice of the singer Deepu. Deepu sang hits like ‘naa kosam nuv juttu peekkuntey’ from Magadheera ,’love u raa..love u raa’ from Chirutha etc. This song definitely catches you in first listen
Album : Kothimuka
నువ్వొక పువ్వుల మాసం...అడిగా నీ సావాసం..!
నువ్వొక నీలాకాశం..దిగి రావా నా కోసం...!!
(nuvvoka puvvula maasam...aDigaa nee saavaasam..!
nuvvoka neelaakaaSam..digi raavaa naa kOsam...!!)
This is a nice song from same above combination of Music director Manisharma and lyricist Ramajogayya Sastri… “Kothimuka” has our chubby “Vinayukudu” aka Krishnudu in lead. Song is sung by Sree Ramachandra and Malavika…
Album : Maryada Ramanna
రాయే రాయే రాయే రాయే రాయే రాయే సలోని ..జాము రాతిరేల సందు చూసి జంపుజిలాని..
తెల్లవారినాక చూసి పిల్ల లేదని ..ఘల్లుమంటూ ఊరువాడ ఉడికి ఉడికి చావని
(raayE raayE raayE raayE raayE raayE salOni ..jaamu raatirEla sandu choosi jampujilaani..
tellavaarinaaka choosi pilla lEdani ..GallumanToo ooruvaaDa uDiki uDiki chaavani)
SS Rajamouli who has created history with Magadheera is coming with rather lighter vein movie “MaryadaRamanna” with Comedy actor Sunil as hero!! No gift for guesses…music is by MM Keeravani Sir. Raghu Kunche who sang mass number ‘Endukey Ravanamma..Pellendukey Ravanamma’ last year has sung this song. Geeta Madhuri who is known for mass songs (She sang Bangaru kodi petta) joined Raghu for this song. The heroine in this movie is Saloni so are the starting lines of the song…J
Album : Bheemili Kabaddi Jattu
నాలో పరుగులు తీసే మనసే..నీకై వెతికెను తెలుసునా...
నాకే తెలియక విరిసే వయసే ..నీతో చెలిమిని కోరెనా!!
(naalO parugulu teesE manasE..neekai vetikenu telusunaa...
naakE teliyaka virisE vayasE ..neetO chelimini kOrenaa!!)
Let me finish 6 with a melodious song from Bheemili Kabaddi Jattu. Music is by Selva Ganesh. He is Tamil music director debuting in Telugu with this flick. Song is sung by Chinmayi sriprada highly talented singer Karthik. Their voices are the asset to this song… A very nice song to keep you relaxed…
So these are 6 beautiful melodies from 6 different movies ….I am very sure that these songs will be liked by you. So why are you late…Start enjoying the music…
If Possible pass on your comments …as how you liked these numbers or you may suggest me some other songs!!
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