Varudu with Stylish Star Allu Arjun as the Hero and directed by highly talented GunaSekhar is all set to open the account for Summer Releases.Movie deals with the importance of Marriage.So the Audio function too is performed in the tradition style..
Audio is a Manisharma musical...
GunaSekhar and Manisharma delivered great musicals before like Choodalani undi(My All time Fav),Okkadu,Arjun..
Most of the songs in this album rotate around the marriage...
Here is the List/Gist of the songs as they appear in the Album.
All the songs are written by Veturi Sundara Rammurthy garu
సారె జహా..ప్రేమా యహా..
Album starts with a casual Fast beat.Song is energetic .Lyrics are sync with the tune..Benny rendered this song.He has good voice.Music bits in between the song has lot of scope for Arjun to dance.It is a kind of general intro song
ఐదు రొజుల పెళ్ళి..ఆమ్మంటి పెళ్ళి..తొలిచూపులే లేని తెలుగింటి పెళ్ళి..
వరుడు కోరిన పెళ్ళి..రామయ్య పెళ్ళి..వధువు ఎవరో కాదు సీతమ్మ తల్లి..
This is actually song with many bits put together..So Length is 8 min..
Song discusses about the all the events in the marriage..
Starting from Dwajarohanam/Pachatoranam..Then nalugu pindi snaanaalu..Then arrival of maga pelli vaaru..Next follows pellikooturu ni teeskoni ravatam….Then we have holy mantra’s rendered at the time of Marriage..
Actually this song surely will appeal more after watching the movie and might get more beauty with actual picture.
Hemachandra ,Malavika,VijayaLakshmi,sunandha and Ranjeet lend their voices..
Notable thing is veteran actress Jamuna has rendered few lines..(remember jikki singing alannati raamachandruni ki anninta saati..in murari)
కలలు కావులే కలయికలిక..కరిగిపోవు ఈ కదలికలిక..
Nice song.Medium paced one..Hemachandra sung this song in sync with the music while Malavika hums in between..As the first lines say..This is a song where Hero assures the heroine about their love..And also tells he is confident about his love
తలంబ్రాలతో దొసిళ్ళు..తనువందాల దోపిళ్ళు..
We all know talambraalu is the exciting event in the marriage..Lot of enthusiasm and fun in seen in the event..Song starts with the same excitement..Again some mantra’s follow…song then ends with appaginthalu and then bride entering her in-laws house..Beautiful Lyrics actually brings the situation right in front of our eyes..Sung again by Hemachandra and Malavika..
బహుశా..వో చంచలా..ఏగిరె రాయంచలా...
తగిలెలే మంచులా..చూపులొ చూపుగా…
Wow ..what a song…Great Melody..Sonu Nigam was simply superb…while Shreya Goshal is no less..Lyircs are great..My personal Favorite..soothes you till you sleep..
Hmm..but I remembered a song from Manisharma’s recent song from Baanam..”Naalo Nenenaaa”..Do listen both songs one after another..and let me know..;)
ఐదు రొజుల పెళ్ళి..ఆమ్మంటి పెళ్ళి..తొలిచూపులే లేని తెలుగింటి పెళ్ళి..
వరుడు కోరిన పెళ్ళి..రామయ్య పెళ్ళి..వధువు ఎవరో కాదు సీతమ్మ తల్లి..
This time it is short version here…Lasts for 5 min..
May be repeated here so that it can be enjoyed as regular number…Many voices in the song…made this more appealing taking all of us to the moments of ones own marriage or marriages we have seen if we are still single …
Definitely reminds you the Marriage song in Murari..might be for the same reason Jamuna’s voice might be used her as replacement for Jikki in the former..
Mass beat at the end of the album..Again the typical song we see in the pre-climax of any movie…also giving scope to Allu Arjun to showcase his dancing prowess..Sung by Karthik and GeethaMadhuri..Offcourse Geethamadhuri is apt for energetic songs(she sung Bangaaru kodi petta)
Songs might not appeal at first attempt..but I am sure they will create a nice impact slowly.. Moreover songs being situational will become popular if movie strikes the chord..
Manisharma is not extraordinary but is natural and good form this time.Veturi scores more than him and is at his best yet again just after his Leader..Seems that he would like tell his colleagues like SeetaramaSastry..”He is still in the race”..Songs with rich lyrical content and dealing more on marriage system is appreciable.
By the way,Movie is scheduled for March 26th release.It has Tamil hero Aarya playing the villain.Heroine is not revealed yet.GunaSekhar should be appreciated for holding it secret till date inspite of leakage threats these days.Let us see how the movie would be..